The Importance of Physical Activity for Older Adults

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Benjamin Franklin is said to have made this remark when discussing the prevention of house fires. But this adage can also be applied to health. In almost all cases, it is better and easier to prevent disease than it is to treat disease once it develops. […]
What Are Some Reasons to Get Laser Hair Reduction Services Done?

Unwanted hair can make you feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. People often rely on shaving and waxing to get rid of excess hair, but these are only temporary solutions. If you’re seeking a more effective, longer-lasting option, consider laser hair reduction. This innovative procedure uses laser light to target each hair at its root. The laser […]
What is the Importance of Sexual Intimacy As I Age?

Society sometimes characterizes sexual intimacy as being only for young people, but this could not be further from the truth. Many people continue to enjoy sex as they age. For some women, the post-menopausal period even presents an opportunity to reclaim and reimagine their sexuality. In one recent poll conducted by the University of Michigan Institute for […]
What Are the Benefits of Getting Botox?

Botox. Is there any cosmetic treatment that has greater name recognition? Botox is incredibly popular and for good reasons. It’s the only cosmetic treatment of its kind that is FDA-approved to be used in three different areas. It’s well tolerated by patients, delivers consistent and lasting results, and has a long track record of safety and success. […]
Ways in Which Moms Can Physically Recover From Delivery

Having a baby changes your life in so many wonderful ways. But giving birth can also cause some physical changes to your body, including ones you’re not really comfortable with. These changes may cause you to feel disconnected from your physical self. Loose skin or excess weight can feel like a gray cloud hovering over you at a time […]
Healthy Lifestyle; How the 5 M’s Can Help Me Improve My Life

At You First Medical Aesthetics, we take a lifestyle medicine approach. This means we encourage patients to examine their lifestyle – including their diet, sources of stress, and sleep habits – as a way of working towards better health. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help you lose weight, but it can also do so much more than that. It can […]
Dr Delicia at 1 Million Cups Daytona Beach
This Chair Can End Your Urinary Incontinence
Noninvasive drug-free therapy sessions on the BTL Emsella restores bladder control. As a software sales executive, Karen* was on the go throughout her workday. “I’m either standing in front of a group of customers all day long or on conference calls all day long,” she explains. “There was zero time for potty breaks, so I […]
Solutions For Cellulite, Stubborn Belly Flab
Taut and Toned package trims fat, tightens lumpy skin using Emsculpt NEO, BTL Emtone. Though they can also be found anywhere along the East Coast, there’s no better place to hunt for spiny Florida lobster than the Keys. And to hear Tina Appel tell it, there’s no better time to hunt for lobster in the […]
A Noninvasive Treatment For A Leaky Bladder
Device does work of 12,000 Kegels to strengthen pelvic muscles. To see Jamaica as Christopher Columbus did when he found the island in 1494, you have to travel east of Kingston, away from the glut of all-inclusive resorts in the west and north, to the coastal region where Andrea White-McNeil grew up. You’ll still see […]