Is There a Non-Invasive Treatment for Incontinence?

Do you struggle with urinary incontinence? Urine leakage and frequent urges are not uncommon, especially in mature adults. In fact, more than 240 million people worldwide are thought to be affected by incontinence. Sometimes incontinence develops after a person gives birth or goes through menopause, and other times it develops due to an age-related loss of muscle tone.

Some people turn to surgery or medications to reduce leakage or ease their urges to urinate. While these solutions work for some, they are not without their drawbacks. Medications can have unpleasant side effects, and surgery comes with a substantial recovery time. As such, most patients prefer a non-invasive treatment for urinary incontinence. Luckily, we are now in an age where non-invasive incontinence treatments are safe and effective. One non-invasive treatment that we are particularly impressed with is EMSELLA.

How EMSELLA Treats Incontinence

At first, the idea of treating incontinence without surgery or medicine may seem too good to be true. But once you come to understand how EMSELLA works, it becomes more obvious why it works.

Have you ever been advised, by a doctor or physical therapist, to do kegel exercises? These are exercises in which you repeatedly contract the muscles that you use to control the flow of urine. Women are often advised to do kegels after giving birth, not only to ease incontinence but also to help restore vaginal tone. Sticking to a kegel routine isn’t always easy, and the results are not always super dramatic, but kegels do work. Like any muscles, your pelvic floor muscles come back stronger after you use and work them. EMSELLA works based on similar principles.

EMSELLA uses electromagnetic energy to cause your pelvic floor muscles to contract repeatedly. One EMSELLA session is doing multiple sets of really strong, fast kegels. These contractors tire the muscles and even cause some minor, microscopic damage to the muscle fibers. Your body responds to this damage and fatigue by building the muscles back even stronger. Stronger pelvic floor muscles mean less urine leakage and fewer urgent urges to “go.”

What Is Emsella Treatment Like?

When we first start talking to patients about EMSELLA, they often express concerns that the treatment will hurt. So, we’ll get this out of the way first and foremost: EMSELLA does not hurt.

During the treatment, you will sit on a special device that sends electromagnetic magnetic energy up into the muscles in your pelvic region. While this is happening, you’ll feel a tingling sensation and strong muscle contractors. Most patients say this feels “strange” or “like a combination of tingling and a massage.” Some find it mildly unpleasant, and others actually like the sensation. But at no time should you be in any overt pain.

You don’t even have to take your clothes off prior to EMSELLA treatment. The electromagnetic energy will travel through your clothing. Your practitioner will be discreet and will tell you what to expect every step of the way.

A typical EMSELLA session takes about 30 minutes. Every patient is different, and your provider will tailor your treatment plan according to your unique symptoms and needs. However, most patients need about 6 EMSELLA sessions for maximum relief. These sessions will be scheduled every few days or about twice a week.

Expected Results From EMSELLA

The results of EMSELLA do not appear instantly. You need to give your body some time to respond to the treatment and strengthen your muscles in response. Patients often start to notice results within a few days of their first treatment, and those results will build in the coming weeks.

Here are some of the results patients often notice with EMSELLA:

  • Urine leakage becomes something they deal with on occasion, not every day.
  • They are better able to hold their urine at work.
  • They no longer experience leakage when they cough or sneeze.
  • Urges to urinate are not as strong or urgent.
  • They only feel the urge to urinate when their bladder is actually full.

According to studies, approximately 95% of patients experience an improved quality of life after EMSELLA treatment. This is a very promising, significant success rate, especially for a non-invasive treatment with virtually no side effects.

Who Is A Good Candidate For EMSELLA?

Many of the patients we see for non-invasive incontinence treatment are women. Some have recently given birth and are struggling with incontinence for the first time. Others have been struggling with incontinence for years and have finally decided to do something about it. Still, others have tried medications with little luck, and a few have been told they are not candidates for incontinence surgery.

EMSELLA is absolutely a suitable treatment for incontinence in men, too. While incontinence in men does not always get as much media attention as incontinence in women, male incontinence is more common than you might think. Studies indicate that up to 11% of men struggle with urinary leakage or urge incontinence. This can be a consequence of lower testosterone levels or a reduction in physical activity. As in women, EMSELLA can help men strengthen their pelvic floors and regain control of their bladders.

Key Benefits of EMSELLA

You deserve to live life without worrying about urine leakage or sudden urges. While there are several ways to achieve this goal, we do believe that in most cases, EMSELLA is the best approach. Here are some of its key benefits over other treatments for incontinence.

It’s Discreet And Not Embarrassing

Talking about incontinence can be a little uncomfortable. So can seeking treatment for symptoms affecting your genital region. EMSELLA is about as discreet and non-embarrassing as can be. You don’t have to remove your clothing for treatment, and your practitioner does not even have to touch you. If feelings of embarrassment or self-consciousness have prevented you from seeking treatment for urine leakage in the past, EMSELLA could be the more approachable option you’ve been waiting for.

It Does Not Require Anesthetic

Have you had a negative reaction to anesthesia in the past? Maybe you’ve been told you’re not a good candidate for incontinence surgery due to underlying health conditions that make anesthesia risky for you. EMSELLA does not require an anesthetic or sedative of any kind. As such, you don’t need to fast or modify your diet in preparation for the procedure. And you don’t have to worry about not waking up or struggling with nausea afterward, either.

There’s No Required Downtime

If you don’t have a lot of time to spare, don’t worry. After an EMSELLA treatment, you can get right back to your daily tasks or obligations. Some of our patients come in for treatment on their lunch breaks. Others are busy new mothers who can only spare a few minutes away from their kids. If you were to have surgery for incontinence, you could count on a week or more of downtime. The lack of recovery time with EMSELLA makes it so much easier to fit into your schedule.

It’s Customizable

Incontinence has many different causes: vaginal birth, menopause, aging, accidents, and lack of physical activity are just a few. Additionally, there are several different muscles that form the pelvic floor, and weakness in any or all of them can contribute to incontinence. With this much variation, every patient with incontinence needs to be treated as an individual. EMSELLA allows for that. Your practitioner can adjust your position in the treatment chair, the level of electromagnetic energy, and the number of treatments you’ll get according to your unique needs.

It Addresses Multiple Types Of Incontinence

There are three major types of incontinence. The first is stress incontinence, which results in urine leakage when you sneeze, laugh, or move a certain way. The second is urge incontinence – a feeling that you have to urinate urgently, even when you really don’t. The third is called mixed incontinence and is a combination of the other two. Many treatments for incontinence only address one type, but EMSELLA addresses all three types of incontinence.


Patients are wise to be concerned about safety, especially when treating such a sensitive part of the body. The good news is that EMSELLA is exceptionally safe. Since no incisions or injections are involved, you do not have to worry about post-procedure bleeding or infections. There are no drug interactions to worry about, either.

EMSELLA is FDA-approved, and its safety has been formally studied in a scientific setting. In one study, 75 patients who underwent HIFEM treatments, like EMSELLA, reported zero instances of pain, adverse events, or other negative effects after treatment. In fact, some patients reported additional, unexpected benefits such as improved sexual performance.

Are you ready to say goodbye to pads, urine leakage, and uncontrollable urges to go? If so, contact You First Medical Aesthetics to schedule a consultation at our Daytona Beach office. We are proud to offer EMSELLA as a non-invasive option for patients seeking relief from incontinence. We never get tired of hearing smiling patients tell us just how much this safe, pain-free treatment has changed their lives.